OH Food Guy
There’s Always Something New to Try
The OH Food Guy began as a list shared around the office. This list, “the Food Snob List” as one put it, primarily reviewed restaurants in the Dayton area. But it grew with time to encompass all of Ohio and beyond.
Growing up, the OH Food Guy experienced the nascent first wave of Chinese and Mexican in the MidWest and from there he was hooked. Since then, The OH Food Guy has experienced more authentic food and focuses on quality. Some of these first wave restaurants are still good, but it’s hard to go home again.
About Ratings
Date of Last visit: Month YYYY
About Ratings
Times Visited
OH Food Guy Rating System
Combined French and American Styles
For number of visits:
The OH Food Guy counts up to 10. After 10 visits it is just 10+ and this usually means that a place is highly recommended.
For the general rating, this becomes
16-20: Exception. A phenomenal experience; artistic; a top restaurant in the country.
12-16: Very Good; always consistent high quality; hard to achieve.
8-12: Good and consistent; many restaurants score here.
5-8: Fair; not great, but edible. Can return again and again without shame.
0-5: Not our type of place to eat at, we try to avoid at all costs.
For Cost*,
$$$$: Expect to pay $50+ for one’s meal.
$$$: Expect to pay $20 – $50 for one’s meal.
$$: Expect to pay $10 – $20 for one’s meal.
$: Expect to pay under $10 for one’s meal.
*this excludes any drinks, appetizers, tip and etc.
For decor, it is similar, but focused on authenticity:
16-20: Not only does this look authentic, it is authentic.
12-16: Well done and well thought out.
8-12: Clean and well decorated, but might be trite and random store (or “air space”) decor or basic ethnic decorations.
5-8: Basic and simple.
0-5: Dirty and unkempt.